Tuesday 26 February 2008

Oh simple things, where have you gone.

Fuck it. I don't care if you read them these are chronicles of my progress so fuck you if you think otherwise. Fuck you if you can't see that.

Carnage last night. Im still drunk. Lally is well.

I really believed that a girl was her last night, just for a second, and I was happy.

I spent the evening
a) drinking at miles's
b) looking for a tshirt
c) walkabout
d) looking for a tshirt
e) tru
f) discussing the socio economic climate in reference to migrant workers with lally

Ive just been on her facebook on lally's account, he is asleep. I shouldn't have because now much the same as most of last night, i have tears on my own. Every girl I saw with cropped hair became her in my mind and it made me physically sick being bombarded. I retreated to the smoking terrace in tru for the duration of the evening and literally hid in the corner sat on the floor. One guy came up to me and asked what I was doing so I lied and said I was waiting for someone before leaving the terrace. Liam Lally and Charles were all pulling in various places so I just went back.

I don't regret going out last night, but all I really wanted to do was sit in the pub with Lally and get blind drunk. I wish we had now.

Being on her facebook properly has made me really happy :) (even though it was wrong of me). She has added the cutest pictures ever and she looks really hot hee hee. Harry's hair is really long now its crazy but amazing.

I'm really to fucked to write more as articulately as needed seeing as this has taken me a half hour and I can't even really see the screen through my vodka eyes, so I'll refrain for now.

I missed you friend, and I missed you too...

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