Thursday 28 February 2008

Mourning is mocking me.

I've just got my scales back from Megan. I have lost 2 stone in 4 and a half weeks.

I've not been 8 stone 2 since... well we all know when.

I look ill and run down but I don't think I look skinnier. What a fuck up. What an absolute fuck up.

Eating every couple of days then throwing up every few hours in between because something made me feel sick. I need to sort this. Now.

Just finished a song called Walk Away it sounds good. Lally is right about me writing dozens of songs about regret and loss and love once enjoyed. Its making things worse.

I saw Paddy in the design centre when I was scanning my book in and had to explain what it was. I think he was really confused by it but whatever, its my own thing and nobody elses.

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