Tuesday 26 February 2008


She's properly blocked me on facebook.

I only wanted one picture, do I not deserve that for the sake of my sanity?

She doesn't even exist now, just a figment of my imagination that my life happens to revolves around.

I so badly want to email her and beg her to unblock me, just so I can see the little picture, but I need to be strong now. In Kylie's words:

'This is her completely erasing you from her life which you didn't deserve to be in in the first place so please just accept this and let go.'

I can't let go, but I need to be strong and walk away. I love her and this is what she needs.

I just want the pain to stop. It doesn't ease, it just grows more crippling every day. I really needed that little picture, I fall asleep looking at it and wake up with it still there. Its the only link that feels current. Pascal your such a fuck up what the fuck is wrong with you look at what you've done.

Look at what you've done.

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